
The name of cakes always makes mouth watered. There is barely anyone who does not like cakes without chocolate box cake. It has many flavours so people can enjoy them in the way they want. However, chocolate cake is the favourite flavour of most people.

However, people prefer to customise cakes to make them different and special from ordinary ones. Chocolate boxes are the current favourite trend of people. Such cakes have a base of chocolate cake sponges and walls made of chocolate bars. You can fill the chocolate box with the favourite chocolates and candies of the person. So, it is the best way to excite people with a sweet tooth.

Apart from that, cake boxes matter to ensure product safety and present them beautifully on the counter shelf. In this blog, you will know how to design the best cake packaging and some mistakes to ignore.

Cakes Help In Celebrating Your Auspicious Events With Pleasure:

Cakes are an important part of every event. Have you ever seen a birthday party without a cake? Do you ever agree to celebrate your birthday without cutting a cake? In fact, custom cakes are the first birthday surprise. Others come after in the list.

However, with cake customisation, you can design a cake box that complements the event as well. Here are the following events for which cakes are essential.

  • Wedding

Cake cutting is an essential part of the wedding. In fact, people order a special cake for their wedding, which often has the bride and groom’s name with fondants that complement the event. However, cake boxes are important to give the product an overall look. Companies that take wedding orders can double their product worth by delivering orders in fascinating packaging.

  • Christmas

Christmas is the event for which people wait for a whole year. When it is about to arrive, people start preparing beforehand to celebrate the event with zeal and zest. Cakes and cupcakes are the must-have for every house to add sweetness to the event. So, selling cupcakes with themed packaging is the best way to announce the arrival of Christmas and create a wave of excitement in people. 

  • Birthday

Birthdays are incomplete without cakes. Brand scan increase chances of sales with cake packaging. Do you want to know how? You can print special edition boxes for birthdays. It will definitely persuade customers to purchase from you.

  • Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is just around the corner. People celebrate this day with their loved ones to express their love. So, it is time for confectioners to use boxes to generate incredible revenues. Bakeries can use special chocolate cake boxes that complement the day with special cakes.

So, customising the packaging according to the event increases the chances of sales.

Cutthroat Competition Increases The Value Of Chocolate Gift Boxes 

Confectionery business has high chances of earning great. Moreover, for starting a bakery, buying a space is not essential. People can take a start from home as well. All you need is skills, taste, and a special ingredient to entice customers.

So, the tough competition in the market demands brands to use strategies to stand out. If you are a home baker and cannot invest in expensive tools of marketing. You can use cake boxes. It will hold your chocolate cake box prevent chocolates from melting away, and help in brand promotion at the same time.

You just need to add a brand logo on the bo0x and use striking colours and patterns to design the box. Make sure your packaging has some impressive qualities to grab customers’ attention.

How To Design Chocolate Packaging For Cakes To Give Good Looks Like Its Taste

So, what qualities your packaging must have to be multi-functional and to boost sales? Read below to get to know.

  • Make It A Marketing Tool.

Always design the box which represents your brand. Print brand logo on the box. It will represent your company everywhere.

  • Display Essential Details

You can print different flavours on the box or design the packaging to represent it. Moreover, if you use special boxes for a specific event, print details to let people know about it.  

  • Add A Luxury Look To The Box.

As cakes are the best source of spreading and celebrating happiness, their packaging should look stylish to support the occasion. Packaging companies offer some add-ons which are affordable to design boxes elegantly. Foiling, embossing, debossing, and coatings embellishments for box designing. You can also use window patching to display the mouthwatering and jaw-dropping cake through the window.

  • Get Bio-Degradable Boxes

Make sure to use bio-degradable packaging. It helps in targeting maximum people. It is so because people are concerned about the environment. So, they prefer products that come in recyclable packaging.

  • Customise The Packaging To Look Unique

Customising the packaging helps in adding creativity and unique qualities to the box. It helps differentiate your product, which is what every brand needs to generate great revenues.

Some Mistakes To Avoid In Designing Chocolate Boxes For Cakes:

Some mistakes in box designing can break your brand image. So, to take maximum advantage of the box, avoid these mistakes.

  • Complex Packaging Style

People think that a unique and complex packaging style can be a way to impress customers. Actually, it is not. It may look good from afar but dealing with packaging with difficult design make customers uncomfortable. For this reason, prefer simplicity with a pinch of elegance.

  • Unclear Printing

People rely on printing to get information about the product. However, some people do not bother to focus the printing on the box. The unclear printing with incorrect font size can make selection difficult for customers, and as a result, they switch to other options.

  • Inaccurate Packaging Dimensions

Small or large packaging than the product size cannot ensure the safety of the product. It also leads to a waste of money. So, customise the packaging and give proper directions to the box manufacturers.

From Where To Get A Chocolate Gift Box For Cake?

To get durable packaging for a chocolate box cake with amazing features, you have to select an experienced designer. Packaging Bee has been manufacturing boxes for a long and has come on the list of top packaging companies. They also offer prototypes to satisfy their customers with the box structure. So, if you want cake boxes as well, reach us now.