
Many days in a year come for the celebration. Moreover, people love to share happiness on even a small occasion as sharing love is a good deed. However, for kids, Halloween is quite important.  It is because they go door to door for trick and treat, and that is what fascinates them about Halloween. In fact, according to research, 95% of the population buy candies on this day. That means it is the best time for the retailers to earn profit. For this reason, they use special strategies to represent their product in the best way, so customers buy from them.  A Halloween candy box is the best way to represent candies in a way that impresses clients. So, investing in the packaging always helps to earn ROI, and that is what customers want at the end of the day.

It all started in Ireland

Australians never hesitate to take part in the cultural events that people celebrate around the world. For this reason, they celebrate Halloween with enthusiasm as well. However, many people do not know the origin of Halloween. Some Australians think that it is an American trend. However, its base is Ireland because it is a Celtic festival known as Samhain.

They used to think on that day, the veil between this world and the deadfalls, and the spirits of dead people pass on the other world. However, in the process, some souls fall back if the boundaries of both worlds overlap, which is not a good sign. However, with time the concept changed, but the occasion remained there.

How the trend of trick or treat started?

This trend normalized in the 20th century when poor people would visit the rich neighbours to get “soul cake.” In return, the beggars promised to pray for the deceased soul. However, later the tradition took the shape of children going door to door to collect candies, money, and sweets as a treat.

Here is how the trend of trick and treat started and got this form. Now, people only celebrate this day to enjoy high spirits. Kidswear costumes to get candies from neighbours. Additionally, people prepare small bags full of candies for all kids as it celebrates the event.

The trend of wearing the mask 

As on this day, Celts used to believe that some souls bounce back. They used to wear masks to hide from these wandering souls. Moreover, they used to think that if they wore scary masks, the souls would mistake them with the fellow spirit and do nothing.

That is how the trend of wearing masks started, and now people wear masks as a part of the fancy-dress competition. As this day connects with ghosts, everyone tries to dress like a ghost, skeleton, and other scary characters.

Celebration of Halloween in Australia

Halloween is celebrated on Sunday, 31 October. Moreover, in the past, Australians did not use to celebrate the event. However, celebrating Halloween started to grow with time, and now people celebrate it with great spirit.

Moreover, people celebrate the event in different ways. For instance, some people set a special theme for Halloween in offices to create a Halloween special gathering with staff.

However, people also arrange special parties which reflect a Halloween theme. In fact, some people make arrangements at haunted places to celebrate it in the original meaning. Furthermore, people wear fancy dresses and make up their faces with scary looks. Shops also make clothes and use packaging of the event’s special theme.  Ghosts, Skeletons, Wizards, Witches, pumpkins, black cats, bats, and cobwebs are the most common symbols of this day.

It is the time to earn great. So, use Candy boxes Australia

People in Australia celebrate the event at its peak. It is the best time for retailers and brands to earn profit. They can make special T-shirts, hats, and jackets with appealing graphics and colour combinations to attract people.

Apart from that, as candies are the specialty of this day, brands can use special packaging for candies following the Halloween theme. It is the best strategy to attract potential buyers to buy from you.

Utilise candy packaging to stand out

Candy boxes Australia is the best way to represent candies in the best way. It is because people buy candies in bulk on this day. So, representing it in the best way increases the chances of sales.

Moreover, there are different ways of designing the packaging in the packaging in the best way. However, the first thing brands have to think of is using durable packaging material for the boxes. The reason is that as brands use different methods to design the box, it cannot provide good results if it is not for strong packaging.  

Use specific themes to design Australian candy box attract maximum clients

Halloween is known for its different themes. This event is associated with witches and dark spirits. For this reason, people use spooky and horror themes, which lets everyone know that Halloween is around the corner.

So, printing scary graphics, images of pumpkins and bats on the box are the best way to give a special theme to the Halloween candy box. Additionally, you can print something on the box as well, which refers to that day.

Colours matter a lot for designing productive candy boxes Australia

Colours also play an essential role. Some specific colours refer to this day which is orange, black, and grey. So, using these colours also refers to the packaging to that day. So, never pay less attention to colours for designing Halloween candy box.

Get your candy box now

Getting packaging that supports profit and needs fewer investments is possible, but you have to approach reliable and experienced packaging suppliers. For that, you have to do proper research because there are many quacks in the market. So, researching is better than regretting later.

Additionally, ask companies for prototypes as well to eliminate the chances of error. In this way, you can do last-hour changes to the candy box as well. So, order your packaging now to get maximum profit.